Waterway spa pumps are widely used across the World and they can easily be used in place other brands. If you are looking for an alternative replacement, say for an Aqua Flo, look for first the frame size of your motor, then the wet end style and lastly whether you need a single or two speed pump. Our range of Waterway is the cheapest priced, anywhere in Europe.
Motor Wiring Guide
Before removing the wires from your old motor you should make a note of where you are removing them and more specifically, what the lives colours relate to. The colour for low speed and the colour for high speed with a 2 speed motor and the colour of live for a single speed motor.
Your new motor will have a wiring guide printed on the underside of the capacitor box.
If you know what colours your lives are, it makes it so much easier.
Neutral and Earth are the lowest common denominators and by deduction, incredibly easy to ascertain.
Single speed motors have 3 wires.
Live, Neutral and Earth.
Live is generally Black but can be Brown.
Neutral is generally Blue, but can look faded,
Earth is Green.
Two speed motors have 4 wires.
Two Lives, Neutral and Earth.
Live for Low Speed, generally Brown.
Live for High Speed, generally Black.
Neutral is generally Blue, but can look faded,
Earth is Green.
You can sometimes find a red, you should see where that was on your old motor
and transfer accordingly.
Red will be a substitute for either Brown or Black.
But again, if you know what colours you pulled from your old motor it would answer all of this.
Sundance Jacuzzi pumps can sometimes require a specific fit. Some of them are unusual in that the wet end can be rotated by 45 degrees. (Normally pumps can only be rotated by 90 degrees at a time) This section contains pumps that will fit the 45 degree criteria.
All Sundance pumps are now LX Brand
Balboa BWG hot tub pumps have brand names as Niagara, Ultimax, Sta-Rite, Dura-jet and HA440NG.
Contact us for any help and guidance.
Smooth body pumps are always 48frame, this is the physical size of the motor.
We coined the phrase "Smooth Body" back in 2007 that you can now read all over the internet.
There have been various brands of these motors shipped into Europe inside spas over the past 20 years.
AO Smith Century Lasar Pool and Spa motors used by Waterway with their Executive Euro 48.
AO Smith and Emerson motors used by Aqua Flo in their XP2 and Centre Discharge pumps
Franklin Electric motors used by Vico to create the Ultrajet used by Hydropool and Canadian spas.
The only motor brand that is still producing motors are known as the Emerson motor, now US Motors.
Contact us for any help in identifying the pump you need.
There is no company in Europe that has our depth of knowledge with spa pumps.
(aside of course from Blue Whale).
ALL of the other UK websites now showing these pumps have copied us.
A pump is complete, it is the motor and the wet end.
They are the exact fitting pumps.
This range of pumps are not from Blue Whale and nor do they carry the associated stickers.
The HS Pro range of pumps.
HS Pro pumps are available in 48frame and 56frame.
They are built using quality EMG motors and original HS Pro wet ends sourced from the US.
Hot tub pumps to fit Wellis hot tubs.
Wellis Pump Conversion codes to LX pumps.
ACM0078 = DH1
ACM0079 = LP200
ACM0080 = LP300
ACM0681 = WP200
ACM0594 = WP200
ACM0394 = WP300
We do not sell Hotspring pumps.
But for over 10 years we have been able to match every one of their pumps to a higher quality and far cheaper alternative.
TDA pumps for hot tubs
We do not sell VIAN VP pumps and nor do we have ANY affiliation with the importer.
What we can offer is this identified range of pumps, cross-referenced and matched to exact fit alternatives and at the most economical prices anywhere.
These pumps are exactly the same, they just don't have a purple wet end.